This page is a collection of online resources useful for translators and linguists in general. It is currently made of 200+ web pages, where most are available in English, Portuguese and/or French, as those are my working languages. I find it helpful to have it all in one page, so I thought I might as well make these resources available to other linguists.
Use the INDEX to jump to the section you want to check:
Monolingual Dictionaries - English
Monolingual Dictionaries - Portuguese
Monolingual Dictionaries - French
Bilingual & Multilingual Dictionaries
Acronyms & Abbreviations
Countries & Regions
Style Guides
Verb Conjugation
Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa
Réforme Orthographique du Français
Monolingual Dictionaries - English
Lexico - is a collaboration between and Oxford University Press (OUP). Lexico is powered by Oxford’s free English and Spanish dictionaries.
Oxford Learner's Dictionary - General English dictionary by the Oxford University Press.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary - English language dictionary with pronunciation help, synonyms, usage and grammar tips.
Cambridge Dictionary - English dictionary that also includes a grammar and some bilingual and semi-bilingual dictionaries. - It also includes a thesaurus, acronyms, idioms, medical, legal and financial dictionaries, encyclopedia, English grammar, and more.
Collins English Dictionary - British and American English dictionary, with more than 722,000 words, meanings and phrases.
Macmillan Dictionary - British and American English dictionary by Macmillan Publishers. - English definitions, synonyms, word origins, audio pronunciations, example sentences, slang phrases, idioms, word games, legal and medical terms, Word of the Day and more.
YourDictionary - It includes "synonyms, sentence examples, quotes, biographies, and an amazing collection of grammar-related articles and education resources for students, teachers, parents and homeschoolers."
Mnemonic Dictionary - An English dictionary with mnemonics (memory aids).
What Does That Mean? - This is a free, user-built dictionary of English idioms, buzzwords, and catch phrases from around the world. There are a number of ways for you to use this site.
OneLook - A search engine for dictionaries and glossaries indexed by OneLook.
Wordnik - Wordnik shows definitions from multiple sources.
Visual Dictionary Online - 15 major themes to access more than 6,000 images and see words like never before.
Monolingual Dictionaries - Portuguese
Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa - Portuguese dictionary which highlights changes introduced by the spelling agreement.
Infopédia - Portuguese dictionary by Porto Editora with and without changes introduced by the spelling agreement.
Dicionário de Estrangeirismos - Dictionary of foreign words used in Portuguese with its equivalent and language of origin.
Dicionário de Termos Linguísticos - Dictionary of linguistic terms from Portuguese into English and French from the Portal da Língua Portuguesa.
Dicionário Aberto - European Portuguese Dictionary. It is not updated with the new spelling (AO90).
Michaelis Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa - Brazilian Portuguese Dictionary.
Léxico - European Portuguese Dictionary with syllable splitting and examples in context.
Dicio, Dicionário Online de Português - Brazilian Portuguese Dictionary.
Dicionário Aulete Digital - Brazilian Portuguese Dictionary.
Monolingual Dictionaries - French
Académie française - Dictionary of the Académie Française up to letter S.
CNRTL - French dictionary by the Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales.
Dictionnaire Larousse - Monolingual French dictionary which also includes bilingual dictionaries (includes English, Spanish, German, Italian, and Chinese).
L'Internaute - French dictionary with synonyms and words similar in spelling.
Dictionnaire Québécois - Quebecer dictionary.
Dictionnaire d’argot, de français familier et de français populaire - Dictionary of slang and popular French.
Le Dictionnaire - French dictionary with synonyms.
TV5MONDE - French dictionary integrated in TV5MONDE's website.
Reverso Dictionnaire - French only version of the Reverso dictionary.
Bilingual & Multilingual Dictionaries - Online dictionary "updated daily by a team of language lovers".
Collins Dictionaries - Includes several bilingual dictionaries in languages such as: Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, and Hindi.
Definitions - This dictionary provides definitions from many reference resources such as the Random House College Dictionary, Princeton WordNet, Wiktionary, Webster Dictionary, U.S. National Library of Medicine, and more.
EuroTermBank - Focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of terminology work in new EU member states.
Freedict - Online English to and from 16 different languages dictionary.
Glosbe - Glosbe is a collaborative project and every one can add (and remove) translations. Includes languages such as Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, or Spanish.
GramTrans - Bilingual dictionary from and into a Scandinavian language.
IATE - InterActive Terminology for Europe, the EU's inter-institutional terminology database.
Infopédia - Dicionários Porto Editora - EN, FR, DE, ES, NL, IT from or into PT.
Keybot - Translation Search machine.
Le grand dictionnaire terminologique - Developped by the Office québécois de la langue française.
LEXICOOL - Lexicool offers a directory of online bilingual and multilingual dictionaries and glossaries freely available on the Internet.
Linguee - Bilingual dictionary with real-life examples in context.
Lexilogos - Various dictionaries in multiple languages.
Majstro - A multilingual translation dictionary (af, sq, ca,cs, da, de, el, en, eo, es, fi, fo, fr, gd, hu, is, it, ja, la, ms, nl, no, pap, pl, pt, ro, ru, sv, sw, tl, tr, zu).
Michaelis Moderno Dicionário - Bilingual Portuguese dictionary into or from English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German.
MyMemory - A translation memory created collecting TMs from the European Union, United Nations and aligning the best domain specific multilingual websites. glossaries - Translation open glossaries from Kudoz.
Reverso Dictionary - Includes 14 languages. Also works as a monolingual English dictionary.
TERMIUM Plus® - The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank. Terms in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Travlang - Bilingual dictionaries in 18 languages.
TREX - is a bilingual contextual dictionary, containing translations of various phrases. For each translation, it has examples of using in various sentences. Currently includes EN, RU, FR, ES.
UNTERM - The United Nations Terminology Database.
Wiktionary - Collaborative project for creating a free lexical database in every language, complete with meanings, etymologies, and pronunciations. - Apart from the bilingual dictionaries it also includes the WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English and the Collins Concise English Dictionary.
Acronyms & Abbreviations - A comprehensive directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms.
Acrofinder - Acronyms and abbreviations.
Acronym Finder - Acronym Finder contains more than 5 million acronyms and abbreviations.
Código de Redação Interinstitucional - [PT] Siglas e acrónimos | Initialisms and acronyms
Código de Redação Interinstitucional - [PT] Abreviaturas e símbolos | Abbreviations and symbols
The Free Dictionary - The Acronyms section of this website is powered by the Acronym Finder.
The World Factbook - A list of abbreviations from CIA's publication The World Factbook.
101 Languages - Multilingual list of country names (in 30+ languages).
Código de Redação Interinstitucional - [PT] Países: Denominações e siglas a utilizar | Countries: Designations and abbreviations to use.
Código de Redação Interinstitucional - [PT] Lista dos Estados, territórios e moedas | List of states, territories, and currencies.
Código de Redação Interinstitucional - [PT] Lista de regiões dos Estados-Membros da UE e sua tradução para português, com base na Nomenclatura Comum das Unidades Territoriais Estatísticas (NUTS) | List of regions of EU member states and their Portuguese translations based on the NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) denomination.
Portal da Língua Portuguesa - [PT] Dicionário de gentílicos e topónimos em português.
Wikipedia - List of country names in various languages from Wikipedia.
All tasks - Over 300 dictionaries and glossaries within the technical fields.
BTS - Business translation services - Links to multiple glossaries and terminology related websites.
Glossary Links - Online glossaries in an array of domains from TermCoord.
Inbox Translation - Over 3,000 glossaries split into 120 categories.
João Roque Dias - List with links to 7,000+ dictionaries, glossaries and other resources consolidated by translator João Roque Dias.
Nikki Graham - Nikki Graham's list of useful links for translators.
Le Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique - Le GDT est une banque de fiches terminologiques rédigées par l'Office québécois de la langue française ou des partenaires de l'Office. Chaque fiche renseigne sur un concept lié à un domaine d'emploi spécialisé.
The Ohio State University - Soil terminology and definitions by the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
Agriculture Glossary - Bilingual EN - PT glossary on agriculture.
Automotive & Transports
Intelligent Transportation System Vocabulary - Term base by the Office québécois de la langue française.
Parts Terminology Handbook - Multilingual term base by Net Bikers Italy in EN/ES/IT/PT/DE.
Sinal de Trânsito - Portuguese > English glossary on traffic, engineering and vehicles.
Universidade Aberta - [PT] Glossary by Universidade Aberta (Open University).
Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho - [PT] Glossary from the Portuguese Vineyard and Wine Institute.
Vins Vouvray - [FR] Wine and vineyard from the Vouvray region, France. - [PT] Glossário enológico em português de Portugal.
Wine Cellar Innovations - Wine glossary by Ohio corporation Wine Cellar Innovations, LLC.
Wine Terminology & Vocabulary - The Ultimate Wine Dictionary from the Wine School of Philadelphia.
Wine Enthusiast - [EN] Wine glossary.
Climate Change: KEY TERMS in 23 languages - This mini-glossary, produced by the Council's Translation Department, contains explanations of key terms on climate change and their translation in the 23 official EU languages.
Dicionário Ambiental - Glossário ambiental em português do Brasil.
Health & Environment Terminology - Multi-Language Glossary of Health & Environment Terminology by the World Health Organization.
Panlatin Climate Change - A glossary by the Government of Canada in 8 languages.
BusinessDictionary - English dictionary covering topics such as Management, Finance, Commerce, Banking, Small business, etc.
CMVM - [PT] Glossário de termos relativos a Instrumentos Financeiros.
Comissão de Normalização Contabilística - [PT] Glossary of terms from the Accounting Normalization System (SNC, in the Portuguese acronym).
FINANCES, ACCOUNTING & LEGAL - Bilingual EN - PT glossary on finances, accounting and legal.
Financial crisis: KEY TERMS in 23 languages - A glossary dedicated to the financial crisis, produced by the General Secretariat of the Council.
Glossário cliente - Banco de Portugal - Glossary in Portuguese from the Bank of Portugal.
Glossário bilingue - Banco de Portugal - Portuguese ↔ English dictionary with over 3,500 entries of technical terms.
InvestorWords - An English finance dictionary.
Portal de contabilidade - Accounting glossary in Brazilian Portuguese.
Glossário de Contabilidade Inglês - Português - Accounting glossary in European Portuguese by accountant A. L. Vieira.
The Economist - Economics A-Z terms.
TheFreeDictionary's Financial dictionary - It provides concise definitions of 8,000 terms with links.
moneycontrol - English financial glossary divided by sections, such as Mutual funds, Insurance, Tax, Investment, Loans, etc.
Forest and Fires
Corpo Forestale dello Stato - Forest fire fighting terms handbook, F.I.R.E. 4 project, in EN, FR, IT, PT, ES, EL (95-page PDF).
EUFOFINET - [EN] European Glossary for Wildfires and Forest Fires (139 pages).
MEFISTO - Forest fire multilingual glossary Portuguese version. PT > EN, FR, IT, ES (266 pages).
Food and Drink
Cybercook - EN > PT glossary on food, kitchen equipment and eating places.
FRUIT - FRUTAS - Bilingual EN - PT glossary on fruit.
Lista de alimentos - Glossary of food terms in 7 languages.
Mestre Cervejeiro - Glossary with terms related to beer and beer making in Portuguese.
VERDURAS E LEGUMES - Bilingual EN - PT glossary on vegetables.
Academia das Apostas - [PT] Portuguese betting glossary.
As Melhores Apostas Online - [PT] Dicionário de apostas online | Glossary of online betting.
Dicionário das Apostas - [PT] Dicionário das apostas desportivas online e offline em português | Glossary of online and offline sports betting in Portuguese.
Sporty Trader - [PT] Glossário sobre apostas desportivas | Portuguese glossary of sports betting.
SOS Apostas - [PT] Glossário das apostas desportivas online em português | Glossary of online sports betting in Portuguese.
Human Resources
HR / RH - Bilingual EN - PT glossary on HR.
Jean Tradutor - Brazilian Portuguese into English glossary.
Human Rights
European Migration Network (EMN) - Terms and definitions relating to asylum and migration, available in DE, ES, FR, IT, PT, AR, EN.
European Convention on Human Rights - Downloadable glossary available in 30+ languages.
Information Technology
Computer Desktop Encyclopedia - 25,000+ IT and consumer electronics definitions.
Gartner - technology terms and definitions from Gartner, an information technology research and advisory company.
Glossário SEO e SEM - Glossary in Portuguese.
IBSMA - Software License & IT Asset Management Terms.
ITIL - ITIL® Glossary of Terms in English - Brazilian Portuguese.
Information systems - Multilingual from English glossaries by ISACA, a nonprofit association which engages in the development and use of knowledge and practices for information systems.
Microsoft Language Portal - The Microsoft Terminology Collection is a set of standard technology terms used across Microsoft products.
NetLingo - Thousands of definitions that explain the online world of business, technology, and communication including a collection of Internet acronyms and text messaging shorthand.
Top 200 SAM Terms - Another glossary of SAM terms.
Webopedia - Online tech dictionary for IT professionals, educators and students which provides definitions to words, phrases and abbreviations related to computing and information technology.
A to Z of legal phrases - A legal guide intended to help non-lawyers understand legal phrases and it should also give lawyers ideas for explaining the legal phrases that they use.
Dictionnaire Juridique - Dictionnaire du droit privé de Serge Braudo.
DireitoNet - [PT] Dicionário jurídico em Português do Brasil.
Dizionario di contrattualistica - Bilingual Italian <> English dictionary.
FindLaw Legal Dictionary - Free access to over 8,260 definitions of legal terms. - Monolingual English dictionary of legal terms.
Law dictionary by Merriam-Webster - A guide to the language of law from the dictionary experts at Merriam-Webster.
Legal HelpMate - Legal definitions of EN legal terminology and legal word, legal abbreviations, and legal jargon.
Nolo's Free Dictionary Of Law Terms and Legal Definitions - Plain-English definitions for legal terms in US-EN.
Oxford Dictionary of Law - Online version by the Oxford University Press.
Peerless Legal - Plain-English meanings to common legal terms.
Repositório.UL - [PT] Glossário Jurídico-empresarial do Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa.
TheFreeDictionary's legal dictionary - The main source of this dictionary is West's Encyclopedia of American Law, Edition 2, which contains more than 4,000 entries detailing terms, concepts, etc. significant to United States law. The legal dictionary also incorporates The People's Law Dictionary.
Définitions Marketing - "L'encyclopédie ilustrée du marketing" - French marketing glossary.
Dictionary of Communication - An online dictionary in 14 languages by The International Association of Professional Congress Organisers (IAPCO).
Dicionário de Publicidade e Propaganda - Brazilian Portuguese resource for marketing and advertising terminology.
e-marketing lab - An e-marketing glossary in Portuguese.
Marketgloss - Marketing glossary in Portuguese from the Aveiro "Instituto Politécnico".
AIDSinfo - [EN] Understanding HIV/AIDS
Associação Portuguesa de Hemofilia - [PT] Glossary on hemorrhagic disorders by the Portuguese Association of Hemophilia.
Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) - HIV/AIDS Prevention Bilingual Glossary: English ↔ Spanish.
GLOSARIO DE MEDICINA TRILINGÜE - Glossary with 150 terms and expressions frequently used in medical translations, by translator Sonia Rodríguez Mella.
Merriam-Webster - According to Merriam-Webster, this is "the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference experts at Merriam-Webster".
TheFreeDictionary's Medical dictionary - The main sources of TheFreeDictionary's Medical dictionary are The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 2nd Edition and Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Care Consumers, which provide authoritative descriptions of medical conditions, medications, anatomical terms, noted medical personalities and much more. - [EN] Glossary from the HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Service of the CDC.
Exemplos de onomatopéias - Brazilian Portuguese list of onomatopoeias.
Wikipedia - Examples of Portuguese onomatopoeias.
English Experts - PT > EN onomatopoeias.
Les Onomatopées - Examples of French onomatopoeias.
Lexicool - Football glossary in DE, EN, ES, FR, PT.
Golfe - Portuguese golf glossary with 90+ terms.
The Reuters Sports Style Guide - Reuters Sports Style and Coverage includes the following sections: A-Z guide to Reuters sports style; Cricket; Golf; Motor Racing, Soccer; Tennis; Winter Sports.
Vocabulário de futebol - Glossário bilingue (inglês > português do Brasil) | Bilingual glossary (English > Brazilian Portuguese)
Textiles & Fashion
Bally Ribbon Mills - Monolingual English glossary of selected fiber and textile terms.
Celanese Acetate - The Complete Textile Glossary covers all types of textile terms broadly, with special emphasis is on manufactured fibers.
DROPS Design - EN > PT glossary on patterns.
Glossário de termos têxteis e afins - Portuguese glossary for technical and common terms related with textile items.
Wikipedia - textile manufacturing - English glossary of textile manufacturing.
Wikipedia - sewing - English glossary of sewing terms.
Wikipedia - dyeing - English glossary of dyeing terms.
Arizona, Grand Canyon State - English glossary by the Arizona Office of Tourism.
Concise Hospitality Terms - English - French tourism glossary.
eurostat - Monolingual EN glossary from Eurostat - Statistics Explained.
Glossary of Hospitality/Tourism - Downloadable 6-page English glossary.
Hotel Jargon Buster - A to Z hotel jargon buster with the language of the hospitality industry.
INSERMOB - French - English - Portuguese tourism glossary.
Monde du Voyage - French tourism glossary.
Oxford Reference - A Dictionary of Travel and Tourism, by Allan Beaver, OUP. Access to full content is only available by means of a subscription.
Tourism Glossary - English glossary by The Global Development Research Center.
Vocabulário de Viagem - Bilingual EN - PT glossary on traveling, hotels and driving.
International Trade Administration (ITA) - A glossary of trade terms used in exporting. This article is part of "A Basic Guide to Exporting", provided by the U.S. Commercial Service.
Investopedia - Trading Terminology
Panlatin Electronic Commerce - A glossary by the Government of Canada in 8 languages.
Trading terms - Glossary of trading terms by IG, a spread betting and CFD provider.
World Trade Organization (WHO) - This glossary is designed to help understanding of some of the terms used in the WTO and in international trade.
A4Traduction - [FR] Translation glossary in French.
Expressions Françaises - French idioms, their meaning and origin. par Reverso - French idioms explained with details on the origin, meaning, examples, and their translation in several languages.
idioms 4 you - Idioms in English, with audio. Glossary - English to Portuguese idioms, maxims, sayings translation glossary.
Wiktionary - This is a list of idioms in the Portuguese language. Proverbs and idioms with direct equivalents in the English language are excluded.
Apple - Apple's Style Guide.
BBC News - This web page contains the current style guide for all BBC News output. Although it is only a guide for journalists, it details many of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Eurocid - [PT] Guia de estilo do CIEJD (Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors).
Eurocid (pdf) - [PT] Guia de estilo do CIEJD (Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors) em formato PDF.
Guardian and Observer - This is the guide to writing, editing and English usage followed by journalists at the Guardian, Observer and
The Telegraph - The official guide to house style for The Daily Telegraph, its supplements and magazines; The Sunday Telegraph, its supplements and magazines; and
Reuters - The Reuters general style guide.
Microsoft - Microsoft Style Guides are collections of rules that define language and style conventions for specific languages.
Livro de Estilo da Agência Lusa - [PT] Um livro de estilo de 50 páginas da Lusa, Agência de Notícias de Portugal, que auxilia o trabalho dos jornalistas.
Prontuário da Agência Lusa - [PT] Prontuário da Língua Portuguesa da Lusa, Agência de Notícias de Portugal.
Prontuário Ortográfico e Guia da Língua Portuguesa - [PT] Prontuário Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa, de Magnus Bergström e Neves Reis.
European Commission - [PT] DG Translation in-house style guide for Portuguese language.
Free Thesaurus - The thesaurus contains more than 145,800 unique entries from three top sources: Collins Thesaurus of the English Language - Complete and Unabridged, The American Heritage Roget's Thesaurus, and WordNet.
Merriam-Webster - This thesaurus has more than 275,000 synonyms, antonyms, related words, and idiomatic phrases.
Dicionário de sinônimos - Brazilian Portuguese dictionary of synonyms.
Dicionário de antônimos - Brazilian Portuguese dictionary of antonyms.
Collins English Thesaurus - With more than 500,000 words, meanings, phrases, synonyms and antonyms, the Collins English online thesaurus is ideal for everyday use.
The A - Z of alternative words - This page promises to give hundreds of plain English alternatives to the pompous words and phrases that litter official writing.
YourDictionary - The YourDictionary thesaurus. - An English thesaurus with over 3 million synonyms and antonyms.
Woxikon - Dictionary of synonyms in 9 different languages.
Visual Thesaurus - The Visual Thesaurus is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus which creates word maps that blossom with meanings and branch to related words.
EU Vocabularies - Multilingual thesaurus for the European Union.
Thesaurus de Acervos Científicos em Língua Portuguesa - Thesaurus of Scientific Instruments in Portuguese
O Conjugador - Portuguese verb conjugation.
The Conjugator - English verb conjugation.
Il Conjugatore - Verb conjugation for Italian language.
El Conjugador - Verb conjugation for Spanish language.
L'OBS La Conjugaison - Conjugation of 9,000+ French verbs.
Le Conjugueur - Le Figaro's verb conjugator.
Conjugaison - French verbs conjugation.
Priberam - This Portuguese language dictionary includes a verb conjugator.
Só Português - Another link for Portuguese verbs.
Reverso Conjugation - Conjugates verbs in EN, FR, IT, DE, ES, Hebrew.
Learn English - British Council - English grammar explained. It covers anything from modal verbs to active and passive voices. - Portuguese verb conjugator.
Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa
Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa - Priberam - Todos os detalhes do acordo ortográfico numa edição da Priberam.
Dúvidas sobre o AO90 - Ciberdúvidas - Questões relativas ao Acordo Ortográfico.
Guia para a nova ortografia da língua portuguesa - Guia para a nova ortografia publicado pela Assembleia da República.
Portal da Língua Portuguesa - Toda a informação sobre o AO90 no Portal da Língua Portuguesa.
Vocabulário de Mudança - Portal da Língua Portuguesa - Lista das palavras do VOP (vocabulário ortográfico português) cuja grafia muda com o Acordo de 1990 (exceto o Brasil).
Réforme Orthographique du Français
Academie Française - Les Rectifications de l'Orthographe - Conseil Supérieur de la Langue Française.
Bescherelle ta mère - Article « Réforme orthographique : 2400 mots changent dès la rentrée scolaire, et adieu l’accent circonflexe ».
La nouvelle orthographe, parlons-en ! - Miniguide 2010 avec « 10 nouvelles règles pour vous simplifier l’orthographe ».
Libération - Article « Réforme de l'orthographe : ce qui change vraiment ». - Les règles de la nouvelle orthographe… en bref.
Wikipédia - Rectifications orthographiques du français en 1990.
Disclaimer: Rita Maia is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by these resources.
Copyright: This list is copyright Rita Maia. You can link to it, but you may not copy and paste the list.
Last updated: 20th January 2020
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